I have specialized in fertility for 20 years. I have helped a diverse group of women, men, same-sex couples, and single people achieve their dream of becoming parents through natural pregnancy, IUI, IVF, and other forms of assisted fertility or fertility enhancement such as PRP, injectable stimulation, ozone treatment, etc. I treat DOR, high FSH, low AMH, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, thyroid, recurrent  miscarriage, low egg quality and low sperm quality. 

The foundation of my practice is the relationship I develop with the patient and the bespoke care that they receive. I use acupuncture, custom Chinese herbal formula, hypnosis, coaching and breath and body work to help patients optimize their physical and mental health to maximize fertility. I have treated patients working with over 50 reproductive endocrinologists and clinics in New York and beyond. I know the general and individual approaches intimately because of my detailed orientation to treatment.  I have collaborated with a wide range of specialists in supporting fields such as reproductive endocrinology, OBGYN, endocrinology, naturopathy, chiropracty, and reproductive immunology.

Fertility is the fruit of whole body health and well-being. It depends on other body systems working optimally.  If any of these systems or more than one are compromised then the body deemphasizes fertility to focus on foundational health and survival. I treat the range of things that underlie issues with egg quality, ovulation and implantation such as thyroid issues, metabolic and hormonal imbalances like PCOS. digestive issues like IBS and Crohn’s, menstrual issues such as painful periods, endometriosis, delayed, irregular scanty or heavy menses, stress, anxiety, respiratory issues and pain. 

I see myself as a fertility doula.  The learning curve of the fertility journey can be steep.  The right support changes your relationship to the situation so you can navigate from the driver’s seat.  Step by step being empowered in the process creates success. Agency fosters a connection to possibility, drawing on all available inner and outer resources. Because Chinese medicine treats by pattern and, therefore, treats root and branch, it is specifically adapted to and successful in treating fertility. This is why, over time, I have brought more dietary, lifestyle and stress and health management techniques such as hypnosis, breath work and supplements into my core practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbal formula.


Pain, women’s health,  perimenopause, menopause, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, amenorrhea, painful periods, thyroid issues, stress/nervous system support, digestion (IBS, Crohn’s, etc.), autoimmune issues.



Does acupuncture really work? It really works. The modern practice of acupuncture is rooted in traditional theory informed by decades of research in China, the United States and other places around the world. The effect of acupuncture on pain, inflammation, stress, nerve and immune function is well-documented.

  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) studies indicate that acupuncture needle manipulation modulates the activity of the limbic system and subcortical structures. These structures play a major role in modulating the affective dimensions of pain processing and the integration of emotional, sensorimotor, autonomic and immunological functions. Other research proposes that acupuncture works through connective tissue and the fascial system. In this model, the 14 meridians are seen as planes of connective tissue linking the body’s surface to the internal organs, head, feet and hands. The tiny filament needles stimulate the meeting points of fascia, nerve, blood and lymph.



The Traditional Chinese Medicine  herbal pharmacy is sophisticated, subtle and powerful. It takes many years of training and experience to master its full potential.  The herbs work with the same meridian and organ energetics that acupuncture does.

  • They are most powerful when used together with acupuncture and the herbs are able to support the effects of the acupuncture between treatments. A formula usually has about 18-22 herbs drawn from combinations of classical formulas and modified specifically for each patient according to their constitution, current condition and goals. I have about 200 herbs in my pharmacy. The herbs are classified in categories according to taste, temperature, function and interaction with other herbs. The greatest power is in custom formulas developed specifically for the patient. Expertise and time are required for this level of care. Although most practitioners have moved to using standardized formulas, I am committed to practicing in the traditional way for its maximum benefit.

    Chinese herbal formula is unique in its ability to improve egg and sperm quality.They also work to create optimal hormonal function and balance, gently move blood, resolve and prevent blood and qi stagnation, soothe the nervous system and improve energy. They help promote ovulation and create the optimal environment for implantation.

    I usually make up a week of herbs at a time because the formula changes according to the patient's response to the herbs and also relative to their situation and goals. Because the goal is to change the internal environment, the formula will evolve as the environment changes.

    Quality and safety are of the utmost importance to me. I use Treasure of the East granules, Plum Blossom pills from Mayway and raw herbs from Kam Wo Herb Pharmacy. Each company has extensive information about their quality and testing on their respective websites.

    Food is the first medicine.A healthy approach to nutrition is the foundation of any therapeutic treatment. I provide nutrition guidance based on TCM therapeutic diet principles and Western research.

    TCM treats both the symptom and the root cause because it treats according to the underlying pattern.  For this reason there are generally no side effects of TCM treatment.  The treatment supports optimal function of the synergistic whole. The goal of TCM is to create balance so the body can reach and maintain its own natural state of health.


Hypnosis is an invitation into a relaxed state that allows balance between the rational and the feeling mind. In this state and with the support of a practitioner, we can access stored feeling memory and create meaning and narrative in a way that is healing and easeful.

  • Hypnosis can be very helpful in removing physical, mental and emotional blockages and managing the stress of health issues. It also helps the navigation of health journeys as it provides a natural connection to the inner guide. In the relaxed state of hypnosis, you remain fully aware and in control. I use short-form techniques from hypnosis in most treatments to enhance the effects of acupuncture on the nervous system. I do long form sessions by appointment virtually or in person.

“I felt empowered with knowledge and support to take my treatment into my own hands.”

— Jenny, 44, CONNECTICUT